Biodiversity monitoring in Australia.
Report for the Department of the Environment, Sport and Territories.
Atech Group designed and developed a comprehensive survey to determine the extent and nature
of biodiversity monitoring in Australia. The information collected was analysed and summarised.
The project required extensive consultation with Commonwealth, State and Territory organisations.
The report also included material on the information management systems and databases used by biodiversity monitoring agencies in Australia.
Monitoring of the environmental effects of agricultural and veterinary chemicals.
Report and database for the Commonwealth Environment Protection Agency.
This study provided an assessment of current monitoring for the environmental impact of agricultural and
veterinary chemicals in Australia, conducted by federal, state, territory and local governments, as well
as industry and community groups. .
We consulted and cooperated with governments, producers, users and the community to determine future costs,
infrastructure needs and funding options for monitoring work.
Kakadu National Park Visitor Survey for 2000 – 2001.
Report and database for Environment Australia.
This project surveyed over 3,000 visitors to Kakadu National Park, at more than ten locations within the park, over a one year period.
We summarised the results of the survey and the management implications of visitor feedback.